On Saturday our group decided to spend the day at Sandalford instead of trekking round the valley and risk getting in to others also holding events. You see this year's festival saw charges for entering the Valley, charges for entering your event and then of course whatever you spent there was added to the day's expenses. I don't know why it was done this way this year (in previous years you paid your bus fare and only a select few charged for entering the door) but I heard it was to keep out the undesirables - anyhooo we paid up and proceeded to enjoy ourselves.
Halfway through the day Sandalford thought it was best to cut off selling alcohol as there was trouble about - no problem I had stocked up earlier and had enough to last me the rest of the afternoon. An hour later though the event was closed due to circumstances out of the wineries control (apparently trouble was really starting to brew and it was best everyone cleared out).
We were all pretty peeved off considering we were having such a good time and it's a shame a select bunch of tools seem to ruin a great day for everyone else. We were lucky though as we partied it up back at our troop-leader's house who provided music, pizza and pasta - saving the day and making it all the more memorable. Let's hope next year's fares better than this one!!!
Here are my girlfriends & I early on in the piece!!!!!
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